THE READER FAN ART CONTEST starts today, and I’ve got a ton of cool prizes to give away! Send me your drawings, your needlepoint, your decorated cupcakes, your book trailers, your calligraphy, your photosets, your interpretive dance, pretty much anything artsy goes! I would LOVE to see it!
The contest goes from now until Monday, August 14, and you can enter as many times as you like! This contest is international. (And yes, I AM giving away an ARC of The Speaker!) And now for the last READER playlist: OUTLAWS. In Kelanna, they say you’ve never been home ‘til you’ve been to sea. Recommended listening: hit shuffle on a good day for trouble.
I just got these prints today and I’m so excited I had to share them! ✒ Starting Monday, July 17, I’m hosting a Reader fan art contest, with tons of great prizes… including signed, limited edition prints of a quote from THE READER, hand drawn by me!
🎨 Get those creative gears turning, folks! I can’t wait to see what you come up with Who’s excited for #SDCC next week!? I’ve got giveaways, panels, and signings on Saturday, 7/22! Come say hi!!!
10:00am-11:00am: Ticketed Author Signing of THE READER at Booth #151H. Receive an advance copy of THE SPEAKER as a gift-with-purchase! 2:00pm-3:00pm: World Mythology in Contemporary Fantasy in Room 9. 3:15pm-4:15pm: Signing in Autographing Area AA09. Another Thursday another READER playlist reveal! This one’s for ARCHER, my murderous little cinnamon roll. Recommended listening: hit shuffle when the fog rolls in.
December 2024